DARCARS Nissan of Rockville

Jun 24, 2022

Maintaining the peak performance of your vehicle is essential, and getting a tune-up is a pivotal point of auto maintenance for your vehicle. In this blog, we explore tune-ups and what precisely a car tune-up entails and when you should schedule a tune-up with our Nissan dealership in Rockville, MD.

Schedule a Tune-Up Rockville, MD

Understanding a Tune-Up & How Often to Get One

A car tune-up is a comprehensive examination and fine-tuning of various components that propel your car forward, ranging from spark plugs, ignition coils, fuel injectors, and more.

Why is a tune-up important? To ensure your car operates at optimal efficiency. Think of it as a physician’s check-up for your vehicle, diagnosing and rectifying any latent issues before they can get into costly repairs.

When should you schedule a tune-up? There are a medley of factors that can influence this, including your vehicle’s make, model, age, and mileage. Nevertheless, a general guideline remains that can give you an idea of when to contact our service department.

In the past, a tune-up every 12,000 miles was customary practice. However, advancements in automotive technology have extended this interval for many modern vehicles. A great way to find out when it is time to get an appointment scheduled is to check out your vehicle’s manual or seek counsel from a certified technician to ascertain the optimal timeline.

What can happen if you don’t get routine tune-ups for your car? Irregular idling, diminished fuel efficiency, hesitant acceleration, and you may even see your “Check Engine” light on your dashboard.

Book a Repair Appointment with Our Service Center

Does your Nissan need a tune-up or another automotive service in the Rockville area? A key part to maintaining your car is regularly getting maintenance scheduled and you can do so by clicking here! Ensure your vehicle remains secure on the road and keep up with its longevity and performance today.