DARCARS Nissan of Rockville

Jul 23, 2022

Getting a driver’s license is one of the most exciting events in a young person’s life. But while owning and using a car can provide you with a lot of freedom, it also comes with responsibilities. To avoid accidents and costly problems, new drivers in the Rockville, MD area should always drive at or below the speed limit, keep their car properly maintained, and avoid distractions while driving.


Start Out Slowly

Many Americans drive too fast on roads they know very well. This is especially true for younger drivers who are impatient to get to their destination. But when you’re just starting out, you should always make sure you adhere to all the speed limits. Since you’re not an experienced driver yet, you’ll need more time to react.

Person putting on seat belt in Rockville, MD

Additionally, it’s likely that there are many situations you haven’t encountered before, and you’ll need to get used to various weather conditions. Remember, the faster you go, the less time you’ll have to stop when there’s an obstacle on the road. The last thing you need as a new driver is to get in an accident.


Always Maintain Your Car

If you’re still in high school or college, it’s understandable that you want to save as much money as possible. But don’t skimp on car maintenance because this will cost you more in the long run. To keep your vehicle in top shape, come to the Nissan dealership at least once a year for regular service. You should also see your mechanic whenever one of the warning lights on your dashboard comes on.


Keeping your car in good shape is important because it allows you to avoid big repairs. Most issues are cheaper and easier to fix when they’re caught early. What’s more, your Nissan will retain its value much better if it is serviced by a professional mechanic on a regular basis. That way, you can more easily sell or trade-in your car in the future.


Avoid Any Distractions

Every year, there are hundreds of thousands of accidents on American roads. While some of them are caused by adverse weather conditions or faulty cars, many are the fault of a distracted driver. It is estimated that over 2,000 people die every year due to distracted driving.


To make sure you, your passengers, and other road users remain safe, you should avoid multitasking while driving. This includes speaking to someone on the phone, texting, putting on your makeup, eating, and channel surfing the radio. Set your phone to Do Not Disturb, choose your music or radio channel ahead of time, and keep your eyes on the road at all times.


Starting to drive is exciting, but to make the most of your new freedom, you should always drive the speed limit, maintain your car well, and avoid any distractions that could put you or other road users at risk. Get in touch with us at DARCARS Nissan of Rockville to get more driving tips and to find out more about our great range of affordable cars.